Planning & New Songs

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the entertainers femalefocusonline feb24After a very successful charity fund raising season last year the Entertainers relaxed and celebrated Christmas supporting Richard and Michiel Verkoren at the official opening of their new restaurant and bakery, Chico’s of Sanet y Negrals. A sumptuous eight course lunch and a super fun afternoon perfectly rounded off their 2023 season.

Now the Entertainers are planning their 2024 programme, selecting new songs and arranging dates with the various charities for their events. This programme is now starting to come together and the Entertainers are pleased to be able to perform for some new-to-them charities in the coming season. The programme to date shows:
6th March – Benidorm Residential.
11 or 12th June – Make a Smile at Can Tallerina.
28th June – U3A Vall del Pop, venue to be confirmed.
6th September – U3A Denia at Los Arcos.
6th October – APROP at Los Arcos.
Discussions are on going with SCAN, Help of Denia and Jalon Valley Help so if you want to see the fabulous Entertainers performing for your favourite charity get your leaders to contact them.
Rehearsals for the group are starting next month, when all the individual practice will be honed into the performances we all love to watch.
You can follow the Entertainers on Facebook at The Entertainers Marina Alta and they look forward to seeing you at their events later this year.
Article by Peter Sockett. Photo by The Entertainers.