The Costa Blanca Astronomical society talk

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astronomy north femalefocusonline april24 1The Costa Blanca Astronomical society take great pleasure in inviting you to a public talk, to be given by Professor Alan Fitzsimmons from Queens University in Belfast.

Professor Fitzsimmons is an expert in the field of asteroid and cometary science. He uses world-leading observatories to measure the physical properties of Solar System bodies and their composition.
You may remember a couple of years ago there was much speculation about the origin of an extra solar system visitor called ‘Oumuamua’. Some even speculated that it was an alien spacecraft visiting our Solar system. Professor Fitzsimmons was involved in the observation and analysis of this object as well as other interstellar visitors in the past.
His talk will tell us about these objects and is titled ‘Interstellar objects – the real Aliens’
He describes his talk as follows :- Our modern theories of planet formation imply our Milky Way should be awash with orphan comets and asteroids. Yet none had been seen in centuries of watching the skies. All this changed in 2018 and 2019, when Interstellar Objects ‘Oumuamua’ and ‘Borisov’ were discovered passing through our Solar system. This talk will give the background to the new field of investigation, how we uncovered the secrets of these messengers from afar, and how they opened up new investigations into the formation and evolution of planetary systems. We will end with looking ahead to next year, when the next great leap in our ability to find these mysterious objects will occur.
The talk will take place on Wednesday April 3rd. Location – The Casa De Cultura in Denia – Sala De Actos, first floor Time – 19:00. Everyone is welcome. The language will be English and there is no need to reserve seating. If you have any questions, please call the secretary of the group at 671 152 686.