European Union of Women Marina Alta Art Exhibition

Come, relax, be inspired, feel the support and the quiet power of women.
Following the successful weekend art exhibition last year, the European Union of Women Marina Alta will hold a most ambitious exhibition entitled 'Women who shaped the world', from April 19 to May 17. Right here in the Marina Alta!
Nearly 30 artists from the area have been busy creating and painting to this theme and will exhibit at the DAR Community Centre, Jesus Pobre Road, Javea. 'This was a really interesting challenge for me', said one artist 'because we now know that women have not really been acknowledged for their contribution to science, technology, space, immunology, archeology and exploration- that is until now!'
All are invited to come and see, discuss and enjoy!
Admission free, refreshments and tapas available and to make it even more of a wonderful experience, there will be workshops, discussions, presentations, concerts, arts and crafts, lectures, innovative women and oral histories - featuring women of the Marina Alta -, photographs, dance, women's associations meetings and presentations, and music recitals. What more could you want? Well there is more...a children's art competition with prizes.
Come, relax, be inspired, feel the support and the quiet power of women.
For more information on the Art Exhibition contact 648 052 911 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For information on EUW Marina Alta see Facebook or Instagram or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..