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cancer care javea femalefocusonline april24We are delighted to launch our JAM JAR CHALLENGE. A wonderful friend of the charity came up with this fabulous idea. The plan is that you throw your shrapnel (small loose coins) into a jam jar. When it's full you can donate it to Cancer Care Javea. We will accept this donation with gratitude.

And our generous friend, let's call him Mr. Buck Penny, wil MATCH the contents of your jam jar. How amazing is that? What a fun and fantastic initiative. Our charity, and its amazing team of nurses, are dependent on the kind donations of our community. Without you we could not help people who are affected by cancer. So, we thank you in advance if you'd like to participate. We have special jam jars in our Chic Boutique Javea if you'd like to collect one. Or maybe you have one at home looking for a good cause? For more information, you can visit us in the shop or telephone us on 965 796 846. We are very excited about this and look forward to seeing a great response.