Walk Your Way Well by Niamh O’Sheehan

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walk your way RGBSo, your New Year's Resolution started well and then....... Yep! Same as every year. You hit the middle of January and it all went out the window. Does this sound familiar? If this reads like your story then I have great news. I might have a "secret ingredient" that can help you stick to your resolution in 2023 and forever. Are you ready to start again? This time do it a bit differently. How? ACCOUNTABILITY.

Accountability is the willingness to be seen as you set your goal and as you go about trying to achieve it. Being seen in moments of success and struggle makes our goal feel real. I run several "accountability pods" every month. Groups of people coming together to hold each other accountable in their wellness, walking or alcohol-free challenges. There's no finger-pointing or peer pressure. There is warm support and a safe place to post your achievements and mishaps. Keeping in mind that positivity is contagious, we share your wins no matter how tiny! These groups really do work. Why? “Accountability is the glue that binds commitment to results!” - Bob Proctor.

So, that's my TIP for this month. Find yourself an accountability Buddy, Group or a Personal Coach. And watch your commitment and consistency levels soar!

ACCOUNTABILITY is incredibly powerful in helping you achieve your targets and goals. Harness it! Accountability is a golden opportunity to share your challenge or resolution with like-minded people. Every one of the people in your group will want to succeed and that creates a positive environment for success. Everyone of your accountability group will want the others to succeed too. Accountability makes reaching your goals much more of a certainty. We are taking responsibility for our actions. We are allowing ourselves to be observed and evaluated. We are opening up and being honest about our endeavours every day.

Setting yourself a goal and trying to achieve it alone there is an average of a 46% success rate. Committing to a goal out loud to others gives us a 76% chance of success. Well, that's according to a Harvard study - and sure that's close enough to a 100% in my mind! Keeping your resolution hidden in your head gives you an easy out when your chimp starts telling you to stay home on the sofa, or to eat that cream bun or to have "just one glass of wine".

Let others know about the journey you are planning to embark on. You are about to do something amazing for yourself. Your plan is going to work! Let your spouse, kids, friends, social media acquaintances, etc. know what you’re doing and how important it is to you! If they’re not on board, don’t let them drag you down. Misery loves company so steer clear of the misers! Stick with your accountability buddies or your coach and people who support you!

If you would like more information about the accountability challenges and groups that I run just drop me a WhatsApp
+34 676 507 791. Happy to set you up. And happier to see you succeed.

Visit Me - https://www.2343ec78a04c6ea9d80806345d31fd78-gdprlock/walkyourwaywell